Wednesday, May 11

ASME Young Engineer Correspondents in Action

BTW, we're headed into the Summer Annual Meeting. I've got a room at the Holiday Inn Express just so I can get free hispeed internet. I'll try to keep the blog up to date on what's going on.

ASME Young Engineer Correspondents in Action

I just added the "Young Engineers - Leading The Way" Logo to the YEC COP description displayed on a users Personal Page. I think it looks pretty cool. And I was the first one to add a photo in this way. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Sunday, May 1

Talked to the Silver State Exec Comm

I gave a brief presentation on the COP site and the YEC group to the Silver State (Nevada) Executive Committee today. They were excited about the COP site. But, I'm not sure how receptive to the YEC group they were. In retrospect, it probably seemed like an abstract volunteer opportunity.

Maybe we shouldn't be trying to sell the YEC Group to local leaders, but to individual volunteers. These volunteers should then be selling the YE centric best practices and volunteering at the local level.
